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Magneto-Rheological Fluid
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Monon Mahboob, Stephen Bechtel, Gregory Washington, “An Improved Model for Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Actuators and Sensors”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, January 2010, vol. 21 no.1, pp3-18
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory N. Washington, and Stephen Bechtel “Modeling and Control of Single and Two Degree of Freedom Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Haptic Systems for Telerobotic Surgery”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, July 2009, vol. 20 no. 10, pp1171-1186
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Monon Mahboob, Stephen Bechtel, and Gregory Washington, " Experiments and Models of the Magneto Rheological Behavior of High Weight Percent Suspensions of Carbonyl Iron Particles in Silicone Oil", Journal of Fluids Engineering, December 2008, Vol. 130, 121301
Monon Mahboob, Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Stephen Bechtel, and Gregory Washington, "Predicting Magnetorheological Fluid Flow Behavior Using a Multiscale Kinetic Theory-Based Model", 16th SPIE International Symposium, 8-12 March 2009, San Diego, CA
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, and Stephen Bechtel, "The Development of a Five DOF Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Telerobotic Haptic System", 15th SPIE International Symposium, 9-13 March 2008, San Diego, CA
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, and Stephen Bechtel, "Design, Modeling, and Control of Magnetorheological Fluid-Based Force Feedback Systems", NSF Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovations, 7-10 January 2008, Knoxville, TN
Christopher Kagarise, Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Monon Mahboob, Stephen Bechtel, and Gregory N. Washington “Experiments and Models of the Magneto Rheological Behavior of High Weight Percent Suspensions of Carbonyl Iron Particles in Silicone Oil”, ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 11-15 November 2007 Seattle, Washington (presentation only)
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Jamaal L. Zite, and Gregory N. Washington, “A Magnetorheological Fluid Based Controllable Active Knee Brace”, 14th SPIE International Symposium, 18-22-March 2007, San Diego, CA
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, and Stephen Bechtel, "Analysis and Development of Magnetorheological Fluid Based Transparent Haptic Systems", Proceedings of the 10th Electrorheological Fluids and Magnetorheological Suspensions Conference, Lake Tahoe, June 2006
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, Yingru Wang, Stephen Bechtel, "Magnetorheological Fluid Based Automotive Steer-By-Wire Systems", 13th SPIE International Symposium, Feb 22-March 3 2006, San Diego, CA
Jamaal L. Zite, Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Vijay A. Neelakantan, and Gregory N. Washington, “A Magnetorheological Fluid Based Orthopaedic Active Knee Brace”, 13th SPIE International Symposium, Feb 22-March 3 2006, San Diego, CA
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, Gregory Washington, Yingru Wang, Stephen Bechtel, "The Development of Variably Compliant Haptic Systems using Magnetorheological Fluids", 12th SPIE International Symposium, March 6-10 2005, San Diego, CA (Best Paper Runner Up)
Stephen Bechtel, Gregory Washington, Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, and Yingru Wang, "Microstructural Analysis and Control of Magneto-Rheological Fluid", Proceedings of ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress, November 15-17, 2004, Anaheim, CA.
Application of MR Dampers in Civil Structures
Maryam Bitaraf
and Farzad Ahmadkhanlou, "Control-Oriented Design of Smart Structures",
Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and Aerospace Systems, SPIE Smart Structures and Materials
, San Diego, California, 2014
M. Bitaraf, O. E. Ozbulut, S. Hurlebaus, L. R. Barroso, “Application of semi-active control strategies for seismic protection of buildings with MR dampers”, in print,
Engineering Structures
, 2010.
O. E. Ozbulut, M. Bitaraf and S. Hurlebaus, “Adaptive control of base-isolated structures against near-field earthquakes using variable friction dampers”, submitted
to Structural Control and Health Monitoring
, under review
M. Bitaraf, S. Hurlebaus, L. R. Barroso, “Active and Semi-Active Adaptive Control for Undamaged and Damaged Building Structures under Seismic Load”, submitted to
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering,
under review
Smart Structures
Farzad Ahmadkhanlou and Hojjat Adeli, "Optimum cost design of reinforced concrete slabs using neural dynamics model", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2005, Vol. 18, pp 65–72
M. Bitaraf, L. R. Barroso and S. Hurlebaus, “Adaptive Control to Mitigate Damage Impact on Structural Response”
Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures
, 2010, 21(6): 607-619
M. Bitaraf , S. Mohammadi, “Large Deflection Analysis of Flexible Plates by the Finite Point Method”
Thin-Walled Structures Journal
, 2010, 48(3): 200-214
M. Bitaraf, S. Mohammadi, “Analysis of Chloride Diffucion in Concrete Structures for Prediction of Initiation Time of Corrosion Using A New Meshless Approach”,
Construction and Building Materials
, 2008, 22: 546–556.
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